A team of masked Commando police operatives were reported to have stormed the Police Hospital in Garki, Abuja, where Dino Melaye, the Senator representing Kogi West, was receiving treatment and in a jiffy moved him to an unknown destination.
The officers forced the lawmaker, who was on the hospital bed, into an unmarked vehicle and drove him to an undisclosed location, witnesses told PREMIUM TIMES.
Melaye was arrested last week after police laid siege on his home in Maitama, Abuja, for eight days.
He turned himself in after hiding in the house for days. Melaye has been in the hospital since then after he slumped at SARS Headquarters in Abuja.
Police accuse the senator of being involved in the shooting of an officer in his native Kogi State.
The controversial Senator had surrendered himself for arrest after a one-week stand-off with the Police but suffered an asthma attack and was taken to the hospital for treatment.
Although, the Police had insisted that the lawmaker was fit to stand trial for his alleged culpability in the shooting of an officer, Melaye had said he needed more time to recuperate or to be transferred abroad for better treatment.
The Police had not issued any official statement at the time of this report.