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News Analysis: Miracles, Alph Lukau, Mbaka, and The Rest of Us

Prophet Alph Lukau and his resurrection stunt

But amazingly, the wheel chair looked so new. Did he just buy it yesterday? I asked myself.
Then, I secretly followed the “healed” man to his house, and to my shock he was never crippled. All those on his street that he talked, shook hands, and laughed with, never showed any surprise that he is standing on his two feet. The mandate that Christ used to give, “get up, carry your stretcher and go” was not followed. The wheel chair was collected from him for the next show, after all, the stretcher was not even his.


By Rev.Fr.Ugwu Kelvin.MSP

The South African self acclaimed prophet Alph Lukau, whose latest video is going viral in which he was seen raising a man named Brighton Moyo a Zimbabwean national from the dead (if you like, from the coffin), is very disturbing. It is not funny at all.

Last year he was all over social media due to the viral video that came to be known as #PamelaWhy? When I spoke against that video and the fact that everything about it were lies, deceit, and staged show, I was asked to face my business and not be the “man of God” who criticises other “men of God”. In one occasion, someone even asked me to face my #EndOsu campaign because that is my own calling.

I feel sad that I will be writing this myself. I never wanted to but we have to tell each other the blunt truth.

If you have not seen the video, you can go to YouTube to see the video and many other videos analysing the supposed miracle. Type Alph Lukau, everything will appear. Then when you are done, come back to continue reading this post so you can make your comment about the whole thing.

Watch the video here:


You would have heard people say, religion is a sham, religion is an opium, religion removes ones reasoning etc. Let us pause for a while and ask ourselves, judging from many things we have seen, can we honestly blame them for thinking that way?

Most of us may have attended church programs in which people on wheel chairs were made to walk to the excitement of everyone. In one occasion, as a philosophy student, while people were excited and dancing to God, I was curious to know what really happened. The man who is now walking looked unkept and poor. They told us that he has been on the wheel chair (they lifted the wheel chair up) for more than five years now. But amazingly, the wheel chair looked so new. Did he just buy it yesterday? I asked myself.

Then, I secretly followed the “healed” man to his house, and to my shock he was never crippled. All those on his street that he talked, shook hands, and laughed with, never showed any surprise that he is standing on his two feet. The mandate that Christ used to give, “get up, carry your stretcher and go” was not followed. The wheel chair was collected from him for the next show, after all, the stretcher was not even his.

In our excitement, we do not ask critical questions like, how come those that were healed are people we do not know? Those that are crippled that we know, hardly get healed even when they are attending the same programs of these same ”prophets”. Why?

Most of you would have watched that Video of a certain priest in the east that claimed to have cast out a demonic lizard from a sick man. Unknown to the priest, the camera caught a young man whom at the time the priest cunningly asked everyone to look up, dropped the lizard quietly and walked away. The video went viral. It is still on YouTube. More things were revealed about the priest, how he even ask his paid boys to bury some items (charm) at night in the compound of those he will be going to pray for so that the next day he will go and dig it out. This is to give people the impression that God is using him to destroy every charm and curse.

What about the bearded pastor, ministering in that area in Mararaba under Nasarawa state that people prefer to call Abuja. We have not forgotten how he arranged with someone to pretend he was dead so he will raise him up from the coffin. Unfortunately, the man suffocated in the casket, and died real death. The pastor was unable to raise him up, and those that knew about the tricks spoke up and the truth was exposed.

I can go on and on, the stories are plenty. These ones I shared with you are the ones you can even verify for yourself. I am sure you have your own story too.

What is the point of all these. . .

First, keep those comments you are planning to type here about all these things being signs of end time.

No, this is not end time, it is rather a sign of poverty. We lack health care, we lack good roads, we lack basic things, even ordinary admission to school. Once there is a preacher that will prophesy that we will be rich even without work, we will see the pastor as God’s anointed.

No, it is not about end time, it is about the uncertainty of the environment we live. People die of Malaria. People are jealous of one another to the extent of killing them. People die of something that is unimaginable in developing world. Who do we run to? Any pastor that can tell us that we shall not die but we shall live, that pastor is the chosen one.

No, it is not about end time, it is about greed and power. We want to have more money, more power, more influence. Why will Alph Lukau stage a miracle if not to be seen as a man of power? We then in turn call them prophets and we take their words as if it is God’s.

This is why, despite the obvious manipulation, violence, intimidation of voters and death in the just concluded election, Fr Mbaka could boldly say that the reason Atiku and Obi lost to Buhari is that Obi came to the Altar to disgrace him who is another Elijah, and as such God is paying him back. See how God has been reduced. And what was Obi’s sin again? Because he chose not to mention his donation publicly.

Finally, today’s Christians lack sense. I am sorry to say that. We can be easily deceived, easily manipulated, including the most educated of us. Poverty is our problem, and poverty can make one do foolish things.

Do not allow our Christian faith to be mixed with magic and stunts and personal grudge. Christ did not die for us because of these rubbish and abuses

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