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Crack in Giadom’s Camp as Salihu Disowns Court Order

Victor Giadom

A crack has emerged in the anti-Ajimobi National Working Committee (NWC) group of the All Progressives Congress (APC) as National Vice Chairman North East, Comrade Mustapha Salihu, dissociated himself from a purported court order granting him power to act as National Secretary of the party.

A court interim order dated June 16, 2020 obtained at the FCT High Court sitting at Maitama presided over by Hon Justice S U Bature with Salihu as the purported applicant asked he should act as national secretary pending “the decision of a validly convened National Executive Committee, NEC or pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice already filed, whichever comes first.”

But in a telephone interview with newsmen, the National Vice Chairman dissociated himself from the interim order, saying he was not a party to it.

Salihu, who sounded angry about the development, said there was no way he would have been part of the so-called interim order having participated in a stakeholders meeting from the North East where the nomination and endorsement of Architect Waziri Bulama as the acting national secretary of the party was reached.

He said: “My zone, the North East has already nominated Architect Waziri Bulama in the presence of the Senate president, APC governors from the zone and other party stakeholders as the acting national secretary. I was at the meeting where this decision was reached. So why now would I go back to obtain a court order to act as national secretary?

“I was not part of such shenanigan. It is not in my character to play such dirty politics and I condemn in strong terms those behind the act. At a time like this when the party is going through trying times, it is such a time that all lovers of the party must pull together to keep the party running.”

The motion ex-parte with number FCT/HC/M/7707/2020 was supported by an affidavit sworn by one Obinna Ugwu with National Legal Adviser Babatunde Ogala; National Publicity Secretary Lanre Issa -Onilu; Acting National Secretary Waziri Bulama and the APC as defendants

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