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Presidency Accuses Ortom of Inciting Ethnic, Religious Hatred

Gov Samuel Ortom

The Presidency has lambasted Benue Governor Samuel Ortom also accusing him of inciting ethnic and religious hatred in his State, steering up a Rwandan-styled crisis.×

In a statement by Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu, Presidency also accused the Governor of deliberately escalating the farmers/herders crisis in his State, thereby causing more deaths of the innocent.

It, however, claimed that the Governor chose the path of festering ethnic and religious wounds among the people in the state because of an alleged exclusionist agenda against a particular ethnic group, which it said the governor is concealing in the Ranches Establishment Law.

According to the statement, the said Ranches Establishment Law is a ploy to withhold rights and freedom from the targeted ethnic group.

“Governor Samuel Ortom has few political principles. We can see this from the fact that he has changed political party five times during his undistinguished career.

“Every time he feels the wind may be blowing in a certain direction, he follows it.

“Unfortunately, for the good citizens of Benue State, the most dangerous direction he blows in today is that of sectarianism and ethnicity.

“In an attempt to boost his sinking political fortunes, Ortom takes the cheapest and lowest route possible by playing on ethnic themes – and in doing so knowingly causes deaths of innocent Nigerians by inciting farmers against herders, and Christians against Muslims.

“Specifically, Ortom stirs up hatred by targeting one single ethnic group in Nigeria – using language reminiscent of the Rwandan genocide.

“As was the case in Rwanda where the then Hutu leaders of the country incited their countrymen against each other, claiming there was a ‘secret Tutsi agenda’ over the Hutu, Ortom claims there is a ‘secret Fulanization agenda’ over other ethnic groups in his state and in Nigeria. This is a copy of the language of Hutu Power – which falsely, and intentionally, accused the Rwandan Tutsi of plans to dominate the country.

“This wicked talk is aimed at giving cover to his so-called ‘policy’ on the Ranches Establishment Law – which in reality is purely an act of denial of the law – intended to withhold rights and freedoms from one ethnic group alone, whilst inciting race hatred against them amongst all others.”

The Presidency said the Governor is not fit for public office, expressing the hope that the people of the state would make a better choice in the next election.

“These are not the actions of a man who should be trusted with running public services or holding public office.

“For the governor of a major state in Nigeria to be politically driven by ethnic hatred is a stain on our country.

“The good, and fair-minded people of Benue State deserve more than this, and we look forward to the next elections when they have an opportunity to restore its greatness,” the statement reads


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