Tra la la la! Here Come Funky Female Cops…To Wear Earrings, Head Scarfs
...IGP says new dress code conforms with international best practices

Remember the 1968 pop song by The Banana Splits, The Tra La La Song?
Well, we are not about repeating the lyrics of the song originally released by Decca Records in the album titled: We’re the Banana Splits which peaked at number 96 on Billboard’s top 100 chart on 8 February 1969.
It is just a way of informing you that our senior female police officers may soon be making heads turn as they have now been expressly permitted by the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Usman Alkali Baba, to wear earrings and head scarfs under their berets.

A release issued, Friday, by the Acting Force Public Relations Officer, Mr. Olumuyiwa Adejobi, said under the approved “new and improved dress code for Women Officers”, our sisters in police uniform can now “wear stud earrings, and headscarf under their berets or peak caps as the case may be while in uniform,” adding that “The dress code was unveiled at the IGP’s meeting with Strategic Police Managers on (Thursday) March 3, 2022.”
In the release, Adejobi, a Chief Superintendent of Police, CSP, informed that while unveiling the new dress code, the IGP noted that “the Nigeria Police workforce has officers from every local government (area) in the country with a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds, and an increased inclusion of female folks. This therefore brings the need to guarantee inclusion, gender mainstreaming, ethnic and religious diversity in the work place for optimum output and professionalism. This has informed the improvement for effective global workforce diversity management. Other countries that have adopted same dress code include Canada, the United States of America, Sweden, Turkey, Australia and the United Kingdom amongst others.”
The Acting FPRO further disclosed that the “dress code is optional and Senior Women Police Officers have been tasked by the IGP to ensure compliance with the approved standard for women police officers who have opted to adopt the dress code.
The Inspector-General of Police, Adejobi continued, also “noted that this development, which is in line with international best practices, addresses the growing concern for gender mainstreaming and respect for culture and diversity.”