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Hurricane President Bola Tinubu, By Sola Olatunji

Are we surprised? Maybe. Maybe not. But this is a  remarkable difference between a man that spent 25 years to prepare for a job and those who got it on a platter of gold either through godfathers, those anointed by the mafia or cabal. Or the one who got there through Divine calculation as in the case of former President Goodluck Jonathan.

Less than 30 days in Aso Rock, President Bola Tinubu has dumbfounded every Nigerian including his opponents at the February 25 presidential election. He has hit the ground running giving strong indications that it can never be business as usual in Nigeria any more.

He came like the hurricane, like the bolt from the blue and the tidal wave is raging through all the strata in the political space. Tinubu is bold. He is courageous. He is the Tsunami that we want.. He is the man that will take Nigeria to claim its rightful place in the comity of nations. These are common statements coming as epithets for Tinubu  in a spate of three weeks.

Tinubu believes that there’s enough in Nigeria for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed. No wonder he said that  he came to power not driven by poverty or hunger but so that the poor can breed and have a life of their own.

My last article titled ‘Good Governance attracted widespread commendations  from within and outside the country.  I was so overwhelmed with the barrage of calls received daily and it becomes very essential for me to spice it up  with this fresh one to be able to drive home my point successfully.

As earlier emphasized in the article, for our  political authority to achieve good governance  and put the country on the highway of  economic and political breakthrough   in Nigeria, the president must address the inherent hydra-headed imbalances in our polity that has continued  to serve  as impediment  to our  progress over the years.

The article dwelled extensively on how great nations achieved greatness by erecting certain pillars as barometer to drive their countries to enviable positions.

First,  these countries embraced democracy as the best form of government ever invented by mankind to guarantee the rule of law, respect for human dignity, transparency, accountability and equity, justice and fairplay were certain parameters that have contributed to the greatness of most advanced countries.

It’s on the basis of this philosophy that we can build a prosperous nation. I know very well that our country is blessed with abundant natural and human resources that can guarantee us a great nation as there is nothing great nations around the world have achieved that Nigeria can’t achieve once we are determined to do so.

If you take a look at what the president is doing now and his track records in the public and corporate world, you will notice that the country’s narrative will soon change. His efforts so far simply bring to mind all what we have heard or read about the late sage Chief Obafemi Awolowo and the supreme martyr of the democratic struggle, Bashorun MKO Abiola.  .

Mr president’s action on the economy, security and his track records of being able to assemble the best team for the job, including his economic policies’ direction should naturally attract the intervention of any serious political authority because it’s the economy that guarantees the social wellbeing of the citizens and must be repositioned first to restore the confidence of the people and this is what  mr president is doing right now.

No doubt, there has been widespread accolades across the country and even beyond over his decisions on the economy and his security team. We know some of the impacts of his actions may be painful at this initial stage but we put solace on this philosophy that no gains without pains. Nigerians will smile soon just for a little patience.

While Tinubu is being applauded across party lines over his many reforms since he assumed office, it becomes important for him to be reminded that whatever may be the positive  impacts of his economic reforms without addressing the social, economic and political imbalances in our country, will amount to mere old wine in a new bottle. It will mean a renewed hope dashed

His  triumph as the winner of the presidential election was a vote for the unity of Nigeria and it’s mandatory to build a new nation where the rule of law, respect for human dignity, sense of equity, justice and fairplay are social barometers to guarantee social inclusion to guarantee peace, tranquility for development.

Mr President needs to be reminded  that no nation can thrive where  there is inherent injustice, lack of social inclusion, social stratification, lopsidedness in  appointments into public offices and  the  civil service system.

A visit to some of our public offices and agencies like NIMASA, Shippers Council, NNPC, NPA and some ministries will expose the degree of injustice in our country over the years which must have accounted for different kind of  agitations mostly  in the Southern part of the country..

As mentioned earlier, there can’t be any peace in a society where there is ethnic domination, lack of social inclusion and equity in the distribution of available resources in the country.

While the president is being applauded across the social strata of the country for most of his actions since he assumed office, now is the best time to build a new nation where peace and justice shall reign; a nation of social inclusion, a nation, where human dignity is respected, a nation where no matter your ethnic background, you have equal access to socio-economic and political opportunities available in our country.

We yearn for a nation where employment and promotion in the civil service or any public institution will be anchored on meritocracy and not ‘order from the above. A nation ,where those in public offices either by election or appointment should not use the opportunity to terrorize, intimidate or privatize the office for personal aggrandizement.

Those in public offices either by appointment or election should be reminded that public offices should be seen as opportunity to serve the people.

In the recent appointments made by Mr President, two particular cases stood out that elicited widespread jubilation and celebrations. The case of the new Inspector General of Police,  Kayode Egbetokun is germane here.  While the emergence of Egbetokun elicited celebration, the exit of Alkali left anger and bitterness in the minds of his lieutenants because he refused to quit the service when the ovation was loudest. Egbetokun is seen as a charismatic personality who is loved by all and sundry in the police force and this accounted for how he was celebrated when he was promoted as the IG.

The newly appointed Chief of army staff, Taoreed Lagbaja also enjoyed same wide spread jubilation across the divisions where he served in the military in the past

Lagbaja is seen as an example of charismatic leader who commands such enormous respect amongst his followers. He is always a threat to the enemies of the state and stays in the forests with his boys to chase kidnappers and terrorists.

Otunba Sola Olatunji

In summary, public office holders who refused to build chemistry with his workforce in order to deliver  dividends of democracy to the public but  resort  to  unwarranted public ego and social stratification is likely to suffer low productivity because without the required chemistry as exhibited by these two senior public officials, you may never get the desired goals.

.Otunba Sola Olatunji, Chairman, Ikale Heritage Development Association, IHDA, writes from Lagos

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