
Abomination! This Man Sexually Abuses His Daughter

Julius Ochim, 45, has committed an abomination, as far as culture of this side of the Atlantic is concerned. He was yesterday, 1 August 2018, nabbed by cops in Ogun State for having sexual intercourse with his daughter.

Trouble started for Ochim after his daughter reported what was happening at Sagamu Police Division in Ogun State.

Police Public Relation Officer, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi, stated in a press release that the father had “been having carnal knowledge of the girl for the past eight years after the death of her mother in 2009 consequent upon which she got pregnant for him and gave birth to a baby girl three years ago.”

Upon the receipt of the report, the DPO Sagamu Division CSP Aduroja Moses led the detectives to the resident of the man and he was arrested.

The press release has it further:
“On interrogation, the suspect confessed to committing the crime but blamed it all on the devil’s handwork. He confessed to have been sleeping with the girl since the demise of his wife and that he started having problem with the girl when she started going out with another person whom she said she wanted to get married to.

He confessed that he was trying to prevent the girl from getting married so as to continue having his way with her.”

Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police CP Ahmed Iliyasu has directed that the suspect be transferred to Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Labour Unit of State Criminal investigation and Intelligence Department for further investigation and prosecution of the suspect.


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