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Buhari congratulates Super Eagles on super win over Cameroon

Super Eagles jubilate (

Super Eagles jubilate (

President Muhammadu Buhari has sent a delightful congratulatory message to the senior national team, Super Eagles, for advancing to the quarter final stage of the ongoing African Cup of Nations in Egypt.

The Crest reports that the senior national team trounced the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon 3-2 in a nerve-wrecking match moments ago.

The Crest also recalls that the Cameroonians have never beaten Nigeria in regulation time since 1989.

In a release signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina, Buhari said he recognised the hard work, team spirit and sportsmanship that  the Super Eagles have exhibited so far in the tournament.

These, he said, “are good signs for a team destined to excel.”

With yet more hurdles to scale before lifting the diadem, the President urged the team and their handlers to remain focused and determined, assuring them of the fervent prayers and support of all Nigerians.

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