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Redemption Song, By Mike Awoyinfa

Press Clips

Mike Awoyinfa
Mike Awoyinfa

Betting on God to win is not the easiest of things.  It is very risky.  But we members of the Press Clips Pentecostal Church (PCPC) publicly and boldly put our faith in the Almighty last week, trusting and praying to God on this pulpit that Anthony Joshua will win, that victory belongs to Jesus.  And God answered our prayers to the letter.  Let somebody shout Hallelujah!

Everything we asked for, everything we prophesied came true, proving that our God is a living God who answers when you put your faith and trust in Him.  Just imagine what would have happened if Anthony Joshua had lost.  The enemy would have mocked us and ask: “Where is your God?”  They would have said our God was sleeping when the fight was going on.  They would have said all kinds of ridiculous things.  But God showed up and proved Himself.

We called on Jehovah, the Mighty Warrior to give Anthony Joshua victory.  We called on God to “remake Joshua into a Mohammed Ali to fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee”.  And God did exactly that.  Come and see Anthony Joshua looking like the young Cassius Clay fighting Sonny Liston, dancing around the ring like a ballerina and jabbing with surprising accuracy.  We predicted that “Joshua will use his height and his long reach to a maximum advantage to jab, jab and jab his way to victory.  That’s the key tonight.”  And he did exactly that.  Rather than being a slave to his past failure, Anthony Joshua renewed himself, renewed his mind, renewed his spirit, renewed his fighting technique and strategy such that the enemy became frustrated after chasing and chasing him in vain.

We said on the pulpit that “The Lord will prove the so-called boxing experts wrong.  The ‘experts’ are saying that mentally, Andy Ruiz will have an edge over Joshua having beaten him once.  But our God will prove them wrong.”  And God proved them wrong!

There are lessons to be learnt.  It’s important to pray and carry God along in any battle.  But prayer alone is not enough.  You must work hard.  You must be disciplined.  You must be focused.  You must work and train your body physically and spiritually like Anthony Joshua did while Andy Ruiz turned the biblical Prodigal Son, blowing his sudden wealth on expensive cars, luxury apartments, partying like mad, training less, not obeying his father and his trainers, being complacent, drinking and eating like a glutton to attain excess fat, thinking once beaten, Anthony Joshua can be beaten again.  To win in the battle of life, you must not just work hard, you must work smart.  You must have a strategy and stick to your strategy.  You must learn from failure.  Anthony Joshua had to fight from a distance and leveraged on his long reach because of what he learnt from the first fight in Madison Square Garden where he fought too close and suffered for it.


As a lover of boxing and as the author of the bestselling, NIGERIA’S MARKETING MEMOIRS—50 Case Studies in Branding, which has been reprinted and updated, I can authoritatively say that the glo celebrity testimonial ad featuring Anthony Joshua is a knockout and a branding classic by every international standard.  With the big return, the big comeback of AJ as the “King of the world,” it’s natural and strategic that the AJ ad should come back from sabbatical to bask in the glory of Anthony Joshua recapturing his world heavyweight belts.  With victory regained and normalcy restored, we can’t wait to see Anthony Joshua back on our screens doing his brand testimonials.  Welcome back champ!  May your shadows never be less!  And may the winning spirit of Anthony Joshua be an inspiration for Nigerians to fight and conquer all the demons and challenges afflicting us.  Like Teni sings, “Everybody is born a winner.”  May God give us the spirit to fight and win for our country to become the champion of the world like Anthony Joshua.  Now, it’s testimony time!  Beloved members of Press Clips Pentecostal Church (PCPC), I thank you for your letters and testimonies after my prophetic sermon last week.  You sent in your congratulatory letters, some of which are published below. May the God of Anthony Joshua give you victory in all your endeavours.


Your Press Clips of Saturday 7th December 2019 titled “The God of Anthony Joshua” was quite patriotic and inspirationally spiritual.  After going through your prayerful sermon, I told my family that the fight has been won by that prayerful warfare.  God bless you and your work.  No wonder you are Baba Beji.  Due regards to your family.  Keep writing.  Leo Okpala, 08022240902

Congratulations to Nigerians, Anthony Joshua and to Pastor Mike Awoyinfa.  I said amen to all your prayers as God heard all your prayers and that of all Nigerians. Please continue your pastoral works and prayers for Nigerians because your spiritual effort towards AJ’s success cannot be overemphasized.  May your tongue be sanctified for spiritual prayers that will be acceptable unto God.  Congrats and regards.  Oluwaseyi J.S., Lagos, 08023188978

Oh great man of faith, God has answered your prayers by giving Anthony Joshua victory over Andy Ruiz.  May His name alone be highly exalted.  08037448773

Congrats Brother Mike.  Yes.  And the Lord of Host has answered Anthony Joshua indeed!  Hallelujah.  A wonderful sermon.  Agyemang, Kaduna, 08054144830

Mike you saw it all and God answered our prayers.  You took a big risk in putting your faith in print.  Do I call you a soothsayer?  Continue with this prophesy.  We need courageous prophets like you. The lesson from Joshua’s story is that people should be courageous enough to fight fear.  If you fight fear, the death of fear is certain.  Chief Anene Onuko, Enugu, 08068527596

Sir, your prayer write-up on Anthony Joshua gave me hope and assurance that Anthony Joshua will win the fight.  And he won.  God of Joshua heard your prayers.  I am so excited and grateful.  Thanks for the wonderful write up.  God bless you. Bridget Obaro, Obanikoro, Lagos  07012558545

Oga Mike, thanks for your prophetic prayers.  You were truly inspired and I am happy Anthony Joshua won.  You are a strong man of faith.  Sunday Ovuta Onele, 08167847133

I read your press clips sermons on Anthony Joshua and it filled my eyes with tears of joy following his victory.  God bless you sir.  07066824500

Thank God that finally the PCPC has bounced back.  After many years of undeserved rest.  May PCPC never again go to this agonizing sleep in Jesus name.  Amen.  Dr. Goddy Okeke, Lagos, 08033442105




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