The Realities of Cloth and Surgical Face Masks, By Dr. Noimot Abisola Balogun

Why home-made cloth face mask?
Without trying to counter established research evidence, the N95 face masks have been shown to be the most effective against viral spread filtering out about 0.3 microns of particles or larger.
Similar but lower reviews have been made about the surgical masks commonly worn in many health facilities.
The surgical masks, as highlighted by researchers, reduce the spread of droplets infection to a very great extent when compared with home-made masks.
But the question is: in our realities, in our situation where we usually depend on aids, donations; in our realities of under-utilised local manufacturing and dependence on importation, how long would the use of surgical face masks last among our people who even defy the mandatory lockdown due to hunger?
Already, because of the demand and hike in price, some elements have been caught on video, washing already used face masks to go and resell! Worse practices may crop up if we make surgical masks compulsory.
I follow the realist rule, which is one of the strategies employed in many public health interventions. For example, in an outreach in a developed country, there may be a portable mammogram kit to screen women for breast cancer. This may not be that easy in developing communities.
The health professionals in those communities may need to perfect their art of breast examination to screen their women. Have they screened? Yes, they have but maybe not at a better level than the developed counterparts. But they have.
This is why I also support Lagos State cloth face mask initiative.
With this, almost everyone (if used well) would be able to have something to cover and protect themselves. Therefore, with social distancing, regular hand washing, not touching surfaces anyhow, the risk will be far more reduced than when we wait for everyone to have a surgical mask and they give excuses that they do not have money to do such.
Therefore, surgical mask for ALL:
-is not economical (it has gone up from 3k to 15k);
-may lead to scarcity and deprive frontline health workers who need it most thus exposing them to serious risks;
-surgical masks are to be disposed after one single use. If this rule is strictly enforced, people may begin to keep it for more uses which, in turn, could be dangerous because it can promote infection.
With affordable cloth face masks, bus conductors, hawkers, beggars and other daily and low earning citizens can buy because it is cheap, while the rich elite can buy disposable face masks at N15,000 for their can use.
At the end of the day, it is a near WIN-WIN situation.
Having considered the realities of the cloth masks, let’s quickly examine the qualities to look for when making your purchase.
Qualities of a good face mask:
1) It must fit comfortably against the side of your face. Air should not easily go out by the sides. This is the wisdom behind the flame test. If no air is going out, then, blowing can’t put off the candle.
2) It must be comfortable to use. Material used should offer comfort to the user.
3) It must have multiple layers of fabric. (Experts recommend at least three layers if lining is added)
4) You must be able to breathe without restrictions.
5) You must be able to wash and sun-dry and it is still in good shape after washing.
Please note that though cloth face masks does not give the best protection against COVID-19, if used by all, it can offer the mass protection badly needed to flatten the curve. So, follow the health protocols recommended by the experts and wear your face masks always whenever you are outside your home.
You have money for surgical masks? Great. Go buy them for yourself and families.
You don’t have much money? Great, do yourself a favour and get the cloth face masks. It is about N100 each
Money or no money, to fold your arms and not do anything can have dire consequences. As our local folks say: at all, at all, na im bad! So, take action against COVID-19, take responsibility.
- Dr Noimot Abisola Balogun is a public health communicator and social researcher. She writes from