Inside Nigeria
I’m Alive, Hale, Hearty -Ghali Umar Na’Abba

Former Speaker of Nigeria’s House of Representatives Ghali Umar Na’Abba has rubbished news of his death in Kano early Friday saying he is alive, hale and hearty.
The Speaker who held sway during the administration of former President Olusegun Obasanjo spoke from London immediately after the news went viral telling his lovers and colleagues to ignore the rumour.
“For the information of all my colleagues, I am hale and hearty here in London,” Na’Abba said in a short message.
“I will be back in Abuja as soon as flights are available. Cheers to all of you.”
A close pal of the ex-Speaker revealed that theformer lawmaker had gone on medical treatment abroad before the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and had to remain in London till after the lockdown.
“I spoke with Na’Abba’s family and colleagues and it was confirmed that he is alive and kicking in London,” one of his former aides said. “It was a clear mistaken of identity as the Umar Ghali that died in Kano on Friday was a former ambassador.”
Kano has witnessed sporadic increase of mysterious deaths over the past few days.
As many as 200 people have died in the region, including prominent Nigerians in academics, banking and other professions.