
Mystery Deaths: 7th Professor Succumbs in Kano

The spectre of death continues its ravages in Kano city, Wednesday, as seventh prominent professor died.

Professor Monsuru Lasun-Eniola of the Bayero University, Kano, BUK, died at the university clinic after a brief illness. He was the seventh Professor to have died since the orgy of death that has gripped Kano City in recent weeks began. Over 650 Nigerians, including scores of eminent citizens, have passed on under mysterious circumstances in recent weeks.

The late Dr. Lasun-Eniola, a Professor of Physical Health Education, a devout Muslim, hailed from Oyo State.

Dr. Garba Sheka,, a senior lecturer at BUK, who announced the professor’s demise, Thursday morning, did not disclose the cause of the respected Professor’s death.

Coming in the middle of the coronavirus rampage that has caused dozens of deaths in Nigeria, and mystery deaths in the ancient city that shook the nation, the professor’s death spikes the morbid statistics of high profile deaths in Kano that have unsettled both the state and federal governments.

At least, six professors, a former Grand Khadi, a former chairman of Kano State Universal Basic Education, SUBEB, a former commissioner of education, and a former editor of state-owned Triumph Newspapers were among the scores of eminent persons to have succumbed in recent weeks.

Professor Aliyu Dikko, also of BUK, was the first professor to die on April 25, 2020.

A professor of physiology, Dr. Dikko was, until his demise, a lecturer at the Department of Human Physiology, College of Health Sciences of the university. He had also been a Deputy Vice Chancellor of the institution.




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