Inside Nigeria

Court Fixes Date For Rule on El-Zakzaky

A Kaduna State High Court sitting in Kaduna has fixed September 29, 2020, to rule on the no-case-submission filed by the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky.

The IMN leader is asking the court to quash the state government’s case against him for lack of evidence.

Counsel to the defendant, Abubakar Marshall who held briefs for the lead Counsel, Mr  Femi Falana, asked the court to quash the charges preferred against El-Zakzaky by the government for not “disclosing an offence known to law contrary to section 36  sub (8) and (12) of the 1999 constitution as amended”.

The prosecution counsel, Dari Bayero adopted his final arguments in the matter.

The IMN leader and his wife, Zinat are standing trial on allegations of culpable homicide, unlawful assembly and disruption of the public peace, among other charges.


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