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IMC Crisis: Total Promotion Blasts Owumi in Leaked Personal Letter From London

The Managing Director of Total Promotion, Mr Niyi Alonge only falls short of calling the COO of the Interim Management Committee, IMC,  running the Nigerian League, Davidson Owumi, an ingrate and a traitor in a personal letter, sent from London, to the former Enugu Rangers chairman on Thursday.

In the long letter, Mr Alonge revealed his perchance meeting with Owumi in Ilorin and how he gave a loan of over N35 million to the late Chief Oyuiki Obaseki Interim Management Committee between 2002 and 2005 to run the league when the Federal Government failed to give the take-off grant of N50 million it promised.

“My involvement with the Nigerian league started from Adetokunboh Ademola Street and went on to Nkrumah Abuja offices of the then on coming premier league,” Alonge writes. “ I personally granted funds as take off loans  based on my then positive marketing analysis and assumed faith in the commitment of the then ILMC leadership.  I invested no less than N35m between 2002 and 2005.”

Find below is the leaked letter, unedited, to Owunmi:

 Subject: A personal note.


The curve of learning human traits never ends as long as one breathes. Hence this is for now, a personal note to you which I titled:“B4 the curtain is drawn”

I have heard people very wrongly claim you are Mr Alonge’s or Total Promotion’s  eyes  in your current official seat in ILMC. Or any other seat for that matter.

Let me also from the onset say that I reserve the right to make this text public (as I note even the official confidential letters I sent were leaked in or around your Abuja office) at any relevant point I deem appropriate in order to debunk a lot of rubbish been peddled around from sources surprisingly very close to you.

Your OWUMI instigated very  false ,distorted facts  which we know you are aware of to be false needed only a simple effort to ask any of the victims , me or TPL , if for any reason you needed refreshing of the facts of the issue.  Your seemingly deliberate distortion of facts have been mind boggling and injurious to us.

Therefore, let me quickly clear the deck:

I have never benefitted from a one on one contract with or from you. !!!!!!

Those who delibrately promoted this falsehood esp prominent ‘prisoners at large’ colleagues of yours in the previous league corporate set up (LMC) described by Supreme Court within the last 6 months as “fraudulent” company in a case in which neither Total Promotion nor me leading the executives where parties had there nefarious reasons for raising these falsehoods.

Your assertions and questioning of facts relating to the birth of the league and my corporate and personal actions as far as they relate to the premier league’s early history  need be corrected before  the league nose dives into evident crash landing.  To the extent I know , you were officially not in the prominent front in solving the numerous teething problems facing the  league’s start up esp  the desperate need for  funds ( the Government that approved the setting up of the league with an assured promise to provide funds for the take off never gave a penny )    This is one of the main reasons that led to my financial involvement in the league. I was of cause interested as a business man in the marketing profession and my experience as the leading marketing manager in the then Daily Times , then Nigerias biggest circulating newspaper that Co backed Cadbury’s sponsor  of our then FA CUP .  That marketing insight gave me a good knowledge of football marketing prospect. I was excited and convinced that it will be a profitable venture to invest in.

More below on initial depth of my cash investment to get the league off the ground. You may not know but  the board minutes  of OBASEKI ILMC prove the solo degree of my cash investment involvement.

This is why ,given what I hear clearly from sources very close to you , one can most reasonably deduce these are deliberate intentions to clot facts in order to satisfy non league interest.


Mr Owumi , I first heard and saw you at your NFLL ILORIN CONGRESS. YOU were walking in front of the then Leagues Secretary and I to the conference hall when Mr Yakmut , the Secretary said to me that the young man in front of us is the future face of the league. The clubs are (May be now WERE ) really behind him.

By coincidence, at the pre Ilorin conference informal meeting of directors and other leading sponsors in Chairman’s suit , I did openly suggest the Chairman should step down for younger blood to run the league.  To the best of my knowledge, you were not in the room that morning. Suffice to say my support for you from then was anchored on Yakmut’s assertion of your leadership traits and for the good of the league. So my suggestion was not directed at someone I hardly knew. And till today, over 13 years later,  I frankly don’t relate much to you besides the goodness of the league. And I have officially supported you thereafter for that reason safe that for the second time since the unfortunate mishap of your been very wrongly booted out of the League Chairman’s office post by the misled clubs  due Title right misconceived facts, it seems you are seemingly more diminished in Nigeria premier leagues world.

Now let me reel out a few of how my contributions helped to set up the league. I have signed board minutes of ILMC, signed by then board secretary, same Salihu  the just departed as LMC CEO!!

My involvement started from Adetokunboh Ademola Street and went on to Nkrumah Abuja offices of the then on coming premier league.  I personally granted funds as take off loans  based on my then positive marketing analysis and assumed faith in the commitment of the then ILMC leadership   I invested no less than N35m between 2002-5   Sum it up at then exchange dollar rate to days dollar rate and compare my yet unpaid investment then to your much flagged 10 billion Naira deal for all your principal products in one basket  in a dead of the night deal  My investment is a fact and we have signed records from ILMC to this effect  And you were not then involved the daily activities of the ILMC / League board

So you trying to rubbish or be little my significant investment  in what has sadly turned out to be far from the dreams of the then initial board will fail. It runs against proveable grains of facts.

Because you are on a course that shall, unless you desist from wat seems like your one man driven interest it may  result in embarrassing legal outcomes for league/ football. I advise you take a serious well briefed legal advise on the legality of football structure based on the law of the land. YOU will quickly see the house of cards you are in easily proned to been blown off with slightest wind. Or smallest pin punch.

Let me state other court involvement / court delivered judgements that concerns TPL ;

1: you very strangely want to deny that the title right resides in Tpl as at today

The truth to this comes from the FOOTBALL CV you parade today in Abuja correctly mirrowing  your persistent pressure which persuaded TPL MD to assist getting a TITLE RIGHT SPONSOR. In line with Procurement Act, You as chairman of the NFLL at the time  advertised in the  newspapers inviting interested parties to bid for premier leagues title right unlike the nocturnal faceless PARTNER AND NOT SPONSOR who you brought now and foisted on the public with total disregard for corporate decency procurement procedures that demand ,a priori,public open tender and bidding   You are manuoevering  just  so your ILMC CAN vainly avoid court action

As a result  of your consistent appeal and pressure , all directed at me, TOTAL Promotion in 2012  bided  at its own huge cost  and won the  open bid , got the League under your Chairmanship N3billion Title Sponsor  in the name of MTN!!! Again compare your mush heralded 10 billion for your whole basket of your major properties to N3billion on just one property : TITLE RIGHT.  COMPARE VALUE IN 2012 to today’s value of Naira.!!!

Totals all encompassing interest was to strengthen the financial base of the league as Total was the ONLY SUBSTANTIAL FINANCIER OF THE LEAGUE then. Total never took a penny by way of commission which is a professional requirement plus other expenses. Neither me nor Total would have been interested in seeking or getting involved in any other property of the league as our business risk in the League was getting beyond the shoulder   But for your official efforts to get me to help you achieve this great feat which you are today rightly parading as a major pillar of success of yours for the short duration you were chairman of NFLL we would never have been near that. We have your official letter of award to us. Post successful bidding. And it’s never been withdrawn. We also have MTN letter accepting N3 billion.

For strange reasons you lost your elected office of Chairmanship and Glo who lost the open bid was re awarded by LMC , a company Supreme Court christened “ FRAUDULENT”LMC. U went to court. Total too went to court against GLO LMC NFLL on same issue but in different courts. Totals case has been in court since about 2014. It is against this matter that you now want to expose yourself to court contempt saying you now have a  nocturnal partner with undisclosed but guessed name for same title held by Total that cost Total Promotion millions. MTN never gave Total a penny. It’s then Marketing Director is still alive if you doubt this. Do u expect TPL will lie low for u to ride rough shod on Totals costly fight from 2014 on its  interest which is still  clearly subjudiced.

2: Broadcast Right

I hear all sorts of insults coming from you and your minions been thrown at me and TOTAL. Let me be very clear here Owumi; if u know any illegal action I or TPNL did , please proceed to court. I will have no grouse against you. Sources VERY CLOSE TO YOU CONTRIVED EFCC  petition and I and my company were cleared. I have copious letters of apologies to me and Total   You are yet to apologise for your surprising benefits  from what was clearly a most embarrassing experience. But that is past. I forgave. but if you persist in ignoring a judgement of the court which ordered perpetual injunction against interfering in execution of TPNL broadcast right which LMC refused to comply with and instead filed appeal on or about 2014 and LMC , the initiator of the appeal proudly  abandoned it till date , then hold yourself for this personal breach. I honestly never knew you were 5% capable of what I’m seeing now.   It is that perpetual INJUCTION you are now telling  people you will disregard.  I do not want in the least to have a case that I’m involved in to ever result in you been dragged to court unless your contemptuous actions which disregards court judgement make such very sadly for me and Total  inevitable. You have even strangely wondered in absolute disrespect of me that what is a 76 year old man still in court for.

THANK U MY ABURO. YOU KNOW I’M NOT SENILE   And it’s a corporate matter. It will be seen through regardless.

The ball and choice of stroke you will play are totally in your  court    but pls expect this opponent will return your serve with harder factual strokes.

3 “other issues for another day worth your reminding”


3A. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN 2 meetings of Clubs in Lagos to achieve  same. Who financed the platforms?


Let me end by saying I will maintain public restrain if your underhand tactics do not accelerate legal confrontation. I’m really very hurt and hugely personally bitter at what I now read from you. Let me also correct you : whatever I may have in life is from Gods gift and share hard labour and I dare say ,they are completely legal. I fought the Abacha’s military’s military. The very Military  Government drove me into exile for 6 years and even instituted a judicial panel of inquiry which completely cleared MR ALONGE BY NAME AND HIS COMPANIES.I also defeated the military in UK Courts and you know I’m here in UK now. To win in UK COURT AGAINST MILITARY IS NO KIDS GLOVES.  I DON’T EVER SEAT IN A ROOM THAT HAS ONLY SAME ENTRY AND EXIT.

With all respect given the speed you are pursuing your hardly legal pursuit , without regard to law and facts and respect to me I don’t have much time to allow you and your “ PARTNERS “TO CONTINUE ABUSING TOTAL. I WILL RELEASE THIS SHEET OF FACTS TO THE PUBLIC THAT IS BEEN WRONGLY FED NOW AS MY FIRST SALVO.

We shall follow up quickly in response to your ongoing action


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