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Alaafin’s Wife Olori Kafayat Is Dead Weeks After Monarch’s Death

Barely two months  after the death of the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, one of his wives, Olori Kafayat, has also died.

It was gathered that Olori Kafayat, who was the mother of Prince Adebayo Adeyemi, popularly known as D’Guv, died on Friday night.

Details of her death were still sketchy as of the time of filing this report, but the Director of Media and Publicity at the Alaafin Palace, Bode Durojaye, confirmed it Saturday morning.

He said: “She died in the United States of America. I will give you the details later.”

Oba Adeyemi had died on Friday April 22 at the Afe Babalola University Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti, after a brief illness at the age of 83.

Olori Kafayat Adeyemi in her life time, was one of the senior wives of the late monarch.

One of her son’s, Prince Adebayo is the chairman of the Oyo State Local Government Pensions Board.

Oyo is yet to get another Alaafin after the demise of Oba Adeyemi.

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