Guest Columnist
Celebrated Thespian, Bimbo Manuel, Pens A Powerful One on ‘Words and Wisdom’

Truly. Soft but powerful word, describing magnitude, emphasizing the important.
A truly intelligent person reads. Even those in the villages ‘read’, by a complex code that readily transfers knowledge.
They may not be professors in that they may not have pursued education to the point of official appointment but they are nonetheless, not any less competent in discussing a wide range of issues and answer complex questions, especially those that demand logic than it does pyramid-type knowledge.
Their eclectic mental quests in reading, constantly opens new horizons, discovery nudging more curiosity.
They listen rather than talk. It is a continuous flow of knowledge for them to hear, to quickly analyze, assimilate and deploy in logical discussions.
They never argue about even what they had thought they knew. There is always a new perspective to old knowledge. If the argument of that which they knew is found superior to the new concept, they are able, natural even, considerate, gentle, measured, quiet in laying out the facts, as has been proven, without being insulting, pandering, cynical, ruthless, gloating in the superiority of their knowledge and understanding.
They naturally quite enjoy travel and adventure. It is an extension, finding proof for that which they have read, real people, different cultures, new ways of life, a varying world view.
Yes, the human brain is fabled to have such capacity both for storage and igniting responses that only a fraction of it has ever been put to use by a very few, the geniuses.
But it is also a muscle, capable of failing, going flat.
So like the physical body, it needs to be exercised, frequently otherwise, it gradually shrinks in capacity, only able to comprehend the basest of concepts, near animal levels, obeying only the basest instincts, reacting to the basest stimuli. A mental vegetable.
Intelligence gives birth to intellect, the sometimes arrogant gift of analysis, articulation, application of knowledge.
It may sometimes therefore be fraudulent to describe oneself as ‘intelligent’, a description that should ordinarily come as a definition or compliment, from someone else.
Truly intelligent persons do not introduce their intelligence, it exhibits itself in its calmness, thoughtfulness, desire to learn, allowing other arguments, weighing them and admitting that they could have been wrong.
It is a big thing.
Wisdom requests that we study and never stop learning.
It usually only leads to growth, success, respect, dignity and confidence, confidence that the less gifted may consider arrogant.
However, a truly intelligent person, never throws their weight around.
That’s it o…
Now, please do not take this to mind, I am only just reminding myself. #wink
Bimbo Manuel
On A Sunday Morning In December 2022