Inside NigeriaOpinion
New Soun of Ogbomoso and The Paradox of the ‘Sheep’, by Adedamola Adetayo
...A perspective

By Adedamola Adetayo
Early this morning, I ran into a flock of SHEEP in my neighborhood. I have always seen them but today, around 5am, some measure of curiosity took the better part of me and I thought to look at them closely.
Pastor Ghandi had planted the matter of SHEEP on my subconscious since yesterday, it explains my sudden interest in the animals.
Sheep are a very unusual breeds of animals, they are something else, something to study, especially in the late night and early hours of the morning.
As I was passing I tried harassing them with some threatening gestures, by raising an object from the ground so that they could see me.
I watched and waited for their reaction.
Do you know that the DOGS who were a little distance away from the Sheep at the same time took off immediately they noticed my action.
DOGS are particularly sensitive to such movement.
I bet that the GOATS should also have made a bolt of it.
Even COWS would have made an attempt to adjust their positions.
The CATS won’t even waste time. Those ones will disappear at lighting speed.
Abi is it RATS, BIRDS or RABBITS you will try?
They will all bolt away quickly.
But these SHEEP stood on the same spot, they didn’t even make the briefest attempt to adjust their positions or move from there. I am not sure they even took notice of my action.
The SHEEP must be a bunch of stupid animals with poor sense of judgement in appreciating dangers. They are so meek, gullible, “dense”, foolish and malleable.
And I began to wonder.
Jesus Christ and the writers of the Bible and inventors of CHRISTIANITY wanted you to be like the SHEEP!!!!
And they also want you to be BORN-AGAIN and become like a BABY to be SPOON-FED.
Something is very wrong here.
But yesterday, PASTORPRENEUR GHANDI was on TV with an interviewer and saying he has “TRAINED AS A SHEPHERD for 30years” and he was “coming to Ögbómòsó as A SHEPHERD”
Ögbómòsó people are going to be his SHEEP.
And he further explained, while talking about the challenge of religion, that in a typical flock “there will be found different kinds of sheep – black, white etc.”
He said he won’t go about changing anybody’s religion but they will be naturally influenced [ into his own ways ] when they look at his own life.
He said why should he be having a second wife at 62years old when he already had two lovely daughters. He can’t be dragging diapers at that age.
Finally, he said “As an OBA” he has the liberty to determine what is doable and what’s not doable by him.
I was adding up everything this morning and concluded that something is happening to Yoruba land from Ögbómòsó.
We are going to get a “kaing” and not an OBA in Ögbómòsó.
Ati ní problem. Pressure ti wa.
We need help!!!!
© Adedamola Adetayo
08 September 2023.