Guest Columnist
Lessons From Mummy Zee, By Zayd Ibn Isah

The year 2024 has begun well for Deborah Olaki, or Debbie, also known as Mummy Zee on X (formerly known as Twitter). Debbie’s intriguing story unfolded when MS Madisha, a user on X, made a tweet that struck a chord with her. The tweet read: “There is a lady who wakes up at 5:00 am to make her husband lunch for work.” Debbie responded to this tweet, saying, “I have always been too lazy to wake up and get his lunch ready. But the day he told me a colleague brought two spoons so he will eat with her, was the day I set my alarm for 4:50 am.”
Predictably, Debbie’s action did not sit well with some women, as they took the time to voice their displeasure, calling her insecure for thinking that waking up early to cook for her husband would deter him from cheating or leaving her for another woman.
Fortunately for Debbie, the men on Twitter did not leave her at the mercy of those trolling her, as they stood by her during the criticism and offered a counterbalance to the negative voices. The whole thing took a dramatic turn when some men asked for her account number, intending to reward her for her admirable behavior. This unexpected show of support added a positive twist to the unfolding story. Debbie has since received cash donations worth more than ten million naira, including endorsements from multinational companies and landed properties from good Samaritans. It seemed as if God had opened a floodgate of blessings to rain upon her, and boy, did it pour upon her in torrents.
Mummy Zee’s sudden change of fortunes is an uplifting narrative that reinforces a commonly held belief in the inevitability of certain blessings. The support she received from the online community, including substantial donations and endorsements, adds a magical element to this pivotal moment of her life, a moment that has not only brought her to the limelight, but if harnessed properly, can transform her life for good.
Meanwhile, those who criticized Debbie’s decision to wake up early and cook for her husband, may have simply overlooked the time-tested adage that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Granted, the criticism of Debbie’s actions stems from an understanding that traditional notions of marital domesticity can act to keep women in perpetual servitude to men’s whims and caprices. But it is important to note that Debbie’s decision came from a genuine sense of kindness and consideration, even if motivated by an external factor. Basically, she did what she believed would be good for her marriage, for her home. As such, she was neither coerced or pressured in any way. Away from online relationship “hot takes” and conflicting views about marriage on social media platforms like Facebook and X, all marriages are private affairs, and those within them are expected to make sacrifices for their partners and offsprings.
Mummy Zee’s story imparts several valuable lessons. When God decides to rewrite your story, He doesn’t need anyone’s permission. His plans for you are beyond human predictions, and He’ll act on His own terms. Her story also underlines that relationships are unique, and individuals should make choices that work for them, rather than conforming to societal expectations. For married couples, whatever you do legally to strengthen your marriage ties is valid. Don’t be swayed by people’s opinions. Learn from Mummy Zee’s life: this remarkable woman recognized the need for change and adapted her habits to strengthen her relationship, even though her husband was not complaining that she doesn’t wake up early to cook for him.
Ultimately, Debbie’s story indicates that our society still values and respects the role of women in marital settings, and even as women are empowered daily to pursue self-actualization and shatter glass ceilings, there should be no shame directed at any woman who insists on being devoted to the growth and stability of her marriage. On a more inspiring note, this heartwarming story also encourages reflection on personal growth, resilience, and the unpredictability of life’s journey. This is why it is important for each and everyone of us to keep pushing and stay true to our values, as more often than not, fortune has a way of smiling upon us.
- Zayd Ibn Isah can be reached at