Iye mi, they said you are gone. I saw you, but I still can’t believe what seems to be my new reality. I’m just carrying on because I believe you are in a plane, traveling for a conference, and we can’t talk until you land. I wish I had your softer nature so I could laugh whenever you tickled me. I wish I had let you catch me the last time we were running around after teasing you, so I could feel your embrace. I wish I had grown up a little faster so you could rely on me earlier, as you’ve come to rely on me these past few years. I’ll miss threatening to soft block you on WhatsApp whenever you send a message for me to proofread. I’ll miss you sending pictures of all your friends and seeing how much they mean to you. I’ll miss you telling me about your day and how happy you were helping others. Mummy, my sweetheart, my most reliable, my last conversation in your room was me reassuring you that I would care for my younger ones after I started working, so you could relax and enjoy life. I haven’t forgotten, mummy. I didn’t say I love you enough, but words can’t describe how much you mean to me. You bring fun into my life despite my introverted nature. Rest well, mummy, in the bosom of the Lord. Till we meet again.
- Busola contributed this piece on February 23, 2024, to a tribute site opened in memory of her mother, Oladeinde Yetunde, (1967 – 2024) – ForeverMissed.com Online Memorials