Inside Nigeria

Ondo Guber: War in Owo As Akeredolu’s Kinsmen Rise Against Aiyedatiwa

Kinsmen of the late former Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu in Owo and Ose Local Government Areas have denied endorsing Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa as the party’s candidate ahead of the forthcoming primary election.

They said the report claiming APC leaders in Owo and Ose have endorsed Aiyedatiwa was egregiously fallacious, patently deceptive and misleading.

The Owo/Ose APC leaders said the event that transpired in Owo was a gathering of Aiyedatiwa’s loyalists for a political meeting, as evidenced by those present at the event.

A statement by Fatai Olushina and Elefola Solomon said those at the gathering that endorsed Aiyedatiwa were those who previously opposed Akeredolu’s interest in the state.

The statement said a genuine consensus to endorse a candidate within the Owo and Ose APC chapters would be championed by renowned and steadfast leaders, whose political acumen were well recognized.

According to Olushina, the “Footage retrieved from the event highlights the local government party chairman’s refusal to publicly endorse Aiyedatiwa, which led to an obvious awkward situation. This unfolding spectacle is as amusing as it is troubling. We remain vigilant of Aiyedatiwa’s escalating desperation and his campaign’s attempts to manufacture endorsements across the state

“Our resolve is firm in Owo and Ose, and within the broader APC family, to not let misrepresentations prevail. The loyalists of the late Governor Akeredolu’s leadership in Owo and across the state stand united in their rejection of Aiyedatiwa’s tactics to secure the party’s nomination. It is well documented that Aiyedatiwa’s treatment of the late Governor was profoundly inhumane and deeply callous.

“We refuse to honour such betrayal and cruelty with our party’s endorsement. As we await guidance from our revered leader and father, President Bola Tinubu, we are committed to exposing the deceit and mendacity of Aiyedatiwa and his cohort of betrayers.”

The relationship between the late Governor and Governor Aiyedatiwa became strained and distant until his passing.

“Despite attending to official matters and meeting people from Akure, the late Governor intentionally kept Mr. Aiyedatiwa, who was the deputy governor at the time, away from him in Ibadan.

“Our late Governor was deeply disappointed and regretful of certain behaviours and character traits displayed by Mr. Aiyedatiwa during his health challenges, which ultimately led to his passing.

“We have also observed the circulation of a video recorded during the swearing-in ceremony of the late Governor and Mr. Aiyedatiwa as Governor and deputy governor, respectively. Undoubtedly, our late Governor had high hopes for Mr. Aiyedatiwa. The late Akeredolu never concealed his intentions.

“One thing that discerning minds can clearly see is the turn of events in the latter half of last year. Trust was betrayed. Confidence was shattered. And the true colours of desperation overshadowed the good intentions of our late Governor. What followed was a tale of disappointment and betrayal. Our late leader, to say the least, was heartbroken before his demise.

“We, therefore, caution Mr. Aiyedatiwa to cease these deceptive tactics and focus on his campaign. Akeredolu’s ardent followers, including members of his family, do not support Mr. Aiyedatiwa’s aspiration to clinch the ticket of the party.”


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