
Trumala, By Bola Omotayo

The American Nation is currently experiencing Trump and Kamala as they are both expressing themselves in their respective campaigns. Before the advent of the Social Media, a large percentage of Africans did not notice American elections as much as they do now.

Today, either you are particularly interested or not, as long as you use social media apps, the waves will reach your gadget and you will either get involved by consciously monitoring the campaign events or by peeping a little at whatever streams by.

Whichever category any observer may belong to, some things have become very clear.
One of the things that have become very clear is the fact that the current Vice president of the United States, Madam Kamala Harris is a brilliant woman. She surely knows how to captivate the campaign crowds. She knows what they would love to hear and she is serving it to them to the destruction of her opponent. Her knowledge of Donald Trump’s sins is very rich and as a strategic fighter, she is not failing to highlight the sins recorded against her opponent and the crowds are enjoying her wits.
There had probably never been an American presidential campaign with the semblance of a Nigerian Student Union election campaign as the current one between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. It has been more entertaining than pledging.

It may be right to say that Kamala Harris has featured in the media in this campaign far more than Donald Trump who seems not to be such a good orator as Madam Harris. Whenever the Kamala sledge hammer hits, Trump does two things; denies the allegation on the floor and brings an achievement from the past to neutralize the effect of the allegation against him but before Trump finishes his defense, Kamala brings out another ‘banger’ against Trump to the delight of the hailing audience.

What path has Trump treaded before this stage of his life that the banger box of his offences seems so loaded? A particular lesson hangs down there for any interested person to pluck and keep. Whatever kind of life you choose to live from childhood is being recorded in the womb of time and one day, life will come asking!

Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have surfaced on the American political scene in the unusual way. Neither of them served in the parliament as against the resume of previous American leaders. From that background, Trump had ruled the Nation once and it is apparently possible again for anyone like Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.

A non seasoned politician will always be different from a seasoned one. Kamala, a popular attorney and Trump, a skillful businessman are both smart people basically but rulling the smallest nation of the world is way more complex than a narrow carrier path like law or business, let alone a giant country like The United States of America.

President Vladimir Putin of Russia in a seemingly sarcastic endorsement says that Ms Harris laughs expressively and infectiously. Putin says that the expressive and infectious laughter of Ms Harris shows that the vice president and presidential candidate is doing well.

Ushers are allowed to smile through at social events to make party guests welcome and relax. If a good natured person gets tickled on impulse every now and then regardless of the nature of assignment and space of appearance, everybody will definitely not see it the same way. Those who are not in support of impulsive infectious expressive laughter should necessarily not be responded to but they should be made to see that the necessary adjustment is consciously been made to ensure that expressive and infectious laughter is consciously reserved for the appropriate places. Responding to such comments and trying to say that there is no need for any adjustment because laughter is a strength may be interpreted as stubbornness.

The American public had known Mr Donald Trump as a stubborn human being before now and that led to a question for him by a pressman who asked wether there was anyone anywhere who can talk to Trump when he is wrong and Trump would listen and admit. The only person in the whole wide world that Trump could mention as the answer was his wife. So what happens in neighborhood and societal matters, business meetings and state affairs?

Meanwhile the game is on and the outcome will determine whether being a traditional party sponsor and a rich business man or being an attorney with connection to celebrities is the master key.

If identifying with marijuana, abortion and LGBT rights are anti church and denial of reproductive health rights, racism and strict immigration laws are anti public, the world is waiting to see who comes out tops from the Trumala complexity come November 4, 2024.

  • Mrs. Bola Omotayo,
    Radio/Television Journalist and Former Chairperson of NAWOJ

    Ekiti State Chapter.

    Now lives in Abuja


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