The headline looks like it is a make-up story or a movie, but this actually happened in the United Arab Emirates.
A woman filed for divorce at the Shariah court in Fujairah, the UAE, complaining she was ‘chocked’ by his ‘extreme love and affection’.
The woman told the court: “I am choked by his extreme love and affection. He even assisted me in cleaning the house without my asking him. I am eagerly longing for a single day of dispute, but this seems impossible with my romantic husband who always forgave me and showered me with daily gifts. I need a real discussion, even an argument, not this hassle-free life full of obedience.”
Times reported that the husband begged the court to deny the divorce request. He was surprised his wife is trying to divorce him. It’s not fair to judge a marriage from the first year, and everybody learns from their mistakes.
“I am and always wish to be a perfect and kind husband,” the man told the Sharia Court.
The court ordered an adjournment of the case to give the couple a chance to settle the dispute themselves.