We Tackle Infertility Problems- Atinuke Odesanmi

Mrs. Stella Atinuke Odesanmi, owner of VAKS Health Clinic, is a retired Matron (Nursing/Midwifery). She has been practicing in Nigeria since 1988, and has been able to work in several hospitals, with so many medical and gynaecological cases, handled both physically and spiritually. Mrs. Stella who is the wife of a pastor in Redeemed Christian Church of God has put smile on the faces of so many families both home and abroad. Her health institution manages cases like fibroid, ovarian cysts, lump in the breasts or abcess in any other part of the body, prostate enlargement without surgery, low sperm count, tubal blockages with hormonal imbalance and others. In this interview, she narrates her life as a nurse, her new calling in the area of alternative medicine, her success rates and other health related issues.
You started your career as a nurse. What inspired you along the line?
What inspired me are: The flare for saving lives and also caring for people; especially those trusting God for the fruit of the womb, and also the pregnant ones and helping to make sure they have safe delivery, including cases where fibroid is growing with the baby, and other illnesses and diseases
Give us a summary of your life as a trained nurse?
I had the opportunity of working in several hospitals, both general and private. In addition to that, I was able to work in hospitals in rural and urban areas with so many ranges of sicknesses in medical and midwifery, with a lot of them by the grace of God, resolved.
At a point, you veered off to alternative medical practice, What informed that?
Initially, I was not interested in alternative medical means of treating cases due to my background as a trained nurse, but it happened that a case I tried to treat medically proved abortive and once I tried the natural drugs, it got treated faster and without side effects. Hence, I decided to combine both medical and natural means.
How do you combine it with Evangelical/Pentecostal ministry work?
By the grace of God , I am the wife of a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). Combining both medical and ministerial work has not been so easy but God has been gracious. Balancing the two is the main reason I do not work 24/7 in my clinic (10am-5pm), so I can have ample time for the work of God
What is the range of reproductive ailments that you handle?
In VAKS Health, we manage cases like fibroid, ovarian cysts, lump in the breasts or abcess in any other part of the body, prostrate enlargement without surgery, low sperm count, tubal blockages with hormonal imbalance, just to mention a few. In summary, everything that will make a woman pregnant is what we do, and the one we cannot handle physically, we take it up spiritually to God, the best gynaecologist.
What is the percentage of success?
By the grace of God, the success rate has been high so far, 85 percent on the average. For instance when we treat 10 patients, at least 8 of them get pregnant.
Without mentioning names, cite cases that your clinic has cured.
We have cured a lot of tubal blockages that have been written off, including numerous fibroid cases. In addition, when a woman is pregnant with fibroid, there are medications we can prescribe and the baby will not die, and the fibroid will be dissolved without side effects. We have also managed several cases of ovarian cysts with lump in the breast, and to the glory of God dissolved without surgery. In addition, growth or mass that develops in any part of the body can be taken care of in our clinic, for those that do not want surgery.
Do you produce the medication yourself or you use those like GNLD products?
I do not produce the medications, I order for various products as the spirit leads for each case, and these drugs are purely natural. Although, in some cases I make use of pharmacological drugs if the need arises.
As a trained nurse in the orthodox sector, how do you reconcile that with alternative practice?
The most important thing is to make the patient laugh (with a positive result), regardless of the one that works, since God has given me the knowledge. Hence, the reason we combine the two.
Infertility is a big problem. What are the causes?
There are quite a number which include; young ladies should avoid pre-marital sex that may lead them to committing abortion that could eventually lead to tubal blockage or destruction of reproductive organ, while the men should treat veneral diseases such as gonorrhoea to avoid male infertility later. Fibroid can also be prevented if ladies marry early i.e. between the ages of 21 and 26 because late marriage often leads to fibroid growth due to hormonal reactions that could happen as age increases.
Also, early detection of lump in order to prevent cancer of the breast, and generally visiting the hospital intermittently for medical and gynaecological check-ups are necessary, because prevention is better that cure.
Do you take care of pregnant women too?
As a midwife, I still take care of pregnant women that have issues like fibroid growing with baby or other conditions, but we do not take delivery because of the increased work on infertility. I advise that they register in any hospital of their choice for delivery because we have stopped handling delivery.
What are the dangers that pregnant women should avoid?
They should not neglect going to the hospital for ante natal care they should also take drugs that have been prescribed and not just any drug. They should also not take to advice from unqualified practitioners. These are basically some of the numerous things pregnant women should do.
Does your clinic handle cases like low sperm count in men and even impotence?
VAKS Health manages cases in men also, even 0% motility of sperm has been treated in our clinic. There are records to show. We have drugs that bring an end to low sperm count. I believe there is nothing impossible for God to do (Jer 32:27, Luke 1:37)
In conclusion, there were people who had been referred for IVF(In Vitro Fertilisation), but got cured eventually at VAKS Health. In other words, they got pregnant after visiting us. Visit us today and God will settle your case. You can reach us on these numbers; 08028142135, 07036561961. Email: God bless you.
Credit: TheNEWS